Ayurvedic Sports Medicine |
In India the day and age of the Rig-Veda, Ramayana and Mahabharata men of stature and circumstance were expected to be competent in chariot-racing, archery, horsemanship, military tactics, wrestling, weight-lifting, swimming etc. this shows that sports are enormously popularized in the history of India, and also had a supremely practiced medicines. The traditional system of medicine that includes marma therapy and kalari chikitsa is very much correlated with sports medicine. Marma chikitsa –the treatment of vital spots- is a derivative of the martial arts known in Kerala as kalaripayatu and in southern Tamil nadu as adimurai. In Kerala from the time immemorial, every sport related injuries were managed with Marma and Kalari chikitsa; integral part of Ayurveda. The West better recognizes the ancient Indian medicine system now. It is less known that great strides were made in the field of surgery too. Revitalizing Ayurveda through integrated scientific research and development initiatives is very much important in terms of improving the health care standard quality of life and also in view of enormous potentials and benefits this system could offer to the field of sports medicine. I here by promising you the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatment in sports related injuries; offer orientation about sports injuries and maintenance of normal postural mechanism, and give awareness about preventive Ayurvedic treatment modalities for the betterment of sports persons in the way of life by relating them to suitable daily activities. Further details contact: smjppt@gmail.com |
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